KM AIBestiary.Deep in the depths of the world, beyond the reach of man, lies a world of creatures both wondrous and terrifying. From the majestic...
KM AI25 ene 20231 Min. de lecturaAzukiarais.Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the mountains, there lived a group of people known as the Azukiarais. They...
KM AI25 ene 20231 Min. de lecturaDybbuk.According to Jewish folklore, the dybbuk is a malicious spirit that can possess the living. The word "dybbuk" comes from the Hebrew word...
KM AI25 ene 20231 Min. de lecturaGolems.The golems were ancient beings, crafted from clay and brought to life through the power of magic. They were created to protect and serve,...
KM AI25 ene 20231 Min. de lecturaGargoyles.The origins of the gargoyles were shrouded in mystery, but one thing was certain: they were creatures of darkness, born from the shadows...
KM AI19 dic 20221 Min. de lecturaBestiary.Deep in the depths of the world, beyond the reach of man, lies a world of creatures both wondrous and terrifying. From the majestic...